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Farmington Local News

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Farmington Local News
  • 类型:新闻
  • 时间:2024-02-13
  • 收费:免费
  • 年龄:12+
  • 系统:IOS
  • 星级:
  • 语言:"EN"
  • 分类:News
  • 作者:Circuit Mouse

标签: 天气 新闻

360检测 ******管家


Farmington Local News was launched in January 2021 by Local NEWS Network and is LNN's 5th location to launch. We are committed to creating and broadcasting local news about Farmington and San Juan County, New Mexico that celebrates our local community, as well as success stories on businesses and people doing great things in the region

You can find us here on our online news portal, as well as on Facebook, Youtube and through email news updates.

If you want to learn more about Local NEWS Network, visit our website at

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