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Split the Bill with Checkparty

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Split the Bill with Checkparty
  • 类型:工具
  • 时间:2024-01-19
  • 收费:免费
  • 年龄:4+
  • 系统:IOS
  • 星级:
  • 语言:"EN"
  • 分类:Utilities
  • 作者:Puzzle Party, LLC

标签: 工具 美食佳饮

360检测 ******管家


Split the bill with Checkparty. Take a photo and say who got what. Everyone pays for what they ordered. Fair and square, even the tax and tip. Checkparty makes that really easy to do.


- Take a picture of a receipt to read it automatically with the document scanner (or do it by hand)!

- Add up to 20 friends to a receipt and assign them to line items. Add people from your contacts and remember recent people you‘ve split the bill with before.

- Split an item equally between several people, or have one person pay a larger portion.

- Invoice your friends with Venmo (or any of the iOS built-in share options).

- Use any currency.

- Preset tip options or customize your tip. Preferences to tip before or after adding tax.

- Updates to support iOS 17. Updated widgets and more.
- Wrap people on home screen instead of scrolling horizontally.
- Add text transform animations when changing values.
- Fix occasional crash when opening settings.
- Use modern photo picker t



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